1. apt-get update && apt-get upgrade in ssh console
2. apt-get install lirc
3. need conf lirc I use my harmony touch remote I add there 2 device which are Microsoft media player. Type :Microsoft a90-0001 and 2.
lg VF28
after that hard test and think why nothing work

first you need hardware conf file in /etc/lirc u can get working file here ... .conf?dl=0
then you need lircd.config which map ir codes to strings this work if you use same remotes which I add harmony
file is here: ... .conf?dl=0
after that I need use irexec program which run sh scripts when get in some remote button so I make this file.
that lircrc file need to be locate /etc/lirc/ if not working you can console give command irexec
if that run without error all good if not conf file are not there where that need to be.
well now come nethome part.
1. make new item nethome udp command port if not have any already my nethome raspberry is address so you need adjust that part your own ip and port address.
2. apt-get install perl , if use image where is not already perl installed.
3. take this perl files I have home/osmc /irscripts folder a perl scripts which execute nethome item actions. you see my couple scripts here: ... uuTZa?dl=0 I have use some buttons of LGvf remote named like : look movie which is one of remote button and attach that in harmony screen upper , next buttons are livingroom togge . livingroom_tolpat_toggle etc.
Now we can enjoy ir control to our nethome.
ofc if you like you can add ir sensor direct your nethome raspberry pi , and use this too , but better is steal ir commands your media center device

oh forget when make new feature you can get your button names via program irw
that show you names of buttons if system working normal.