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Use trigger to dim light

Posted: Sun Dec 11, 2016 9:07 am
by LarsGertsen
I have added my hue lamps to onh. and i would like to simulate the dim effect philips have on some of their other bulps.
If you turn it on its on full effect. If you turn it OFF and on it is dimmed.

Any idea, if this is possible with onh? I know how to do it with software but i would like to do it with the lightswitch. (So my wife Can do it)

My idea is something like this: detektor hue lamps is turned OFF, start timer and set effect "dimmed". If lamp is turned on before timer stop, set effect to dimmed, or just set normal (default) value


Re: Use trigger to dim light

Posted: Sun Dec 11, 2016 1:50 pm
by stefangsbb
If you are turning the lamps on and off with the normal power switch, this is kind of hard to do. OpenNetHome is not informed by the Hue-system when the lamps are turned on or off this way. Currently ONH polls the lamps with regular interval to get their state if they have changed vi an external system. The polling is far too seldom to catch this kind of event.

The way to solve this is to have a separate radio transmitting wall switch, either Nexa based or Z-Wave based and use that to get software control over the lamp and then you can control the Dim-behavior better.