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Issues with DayLiteTimer

Posted: Sun Sep 20, 2015 5:11 am
by heggholmen
What I want to achive;
Sunset-30min: Lights turns on 100%
22:30: Lights dims to 25%
05:30: Lights turns to 100%
Sunrise+30min: Lights turns of

My thought of a solution:

1. Create a DayLiteTimer for "100%" with the following inputs
[S-0:30],05:30 (this should trigger "100% 30 minutes before sunset and again at 05:30)
2. Create a DayLiteTimer for "25%" with the following inputs
22:30,-[R+00:30] (this should trigger 25% 22:30 and turn of the lamp 30 minutes after sunrise)

This at least is the thoery, my issue is that when i only use the [S-0:30] or [R+00:30] i get error in the log saying "The format of the command is wrong!"

If i use time instead of "S" and "R" it will work, but then it would be static... and if i include "on and off" for every setup the use of [S] and [R] will work, but then I have to turn off the lamp befor having it to 25% and so on.

Any suggestion for solution? Maybe it's possible to fix the issue cause it imposible to use [R] and [S] to only sett "On" and "Off" seperatly and not in a combination.


Re: Issues with DayLiteTimer

Posted: Wed Sep 23, 2015 12:49 am
by Nasty76
I use next method daylite timer turn off and on lamps. Then normal timer set dim levels correct so u can use set command and example this not sure I write this my memory set,someitem,ondimlevel,50,
When timer set that lamp name someitem get ondimlevel 50.
If u not get that work make command port in net home and use putty to that port in telnet mode write subscribe once or twice when nethome answer ok. Use command get,somedimmaplelampname and you see how u can sent set command.hope this help