Just installed OpenNetHome on my pi and it went very easy and also added my hue bridge, but I my screen look messe With all the preinstalled rooms, but i cannot find a Way to delete them.
Also is three a guide on how to add items from scratch. Seems like i Should create a location->rooms->lamps
P.S. Note to self - don't use ipad to write posts in this forum (i blame all spelling errors on Apples spellchecker )
The easiest way to remove rooms is to first click the "Edit this page"-button on the top right, then click on the room name to get to the room's edit page and then click the "Delete"-button on the bottom left.
The only guides available so far are the two short films on the home page. To add a room, you again select the "Edit this page"-button on the top right and then the "Add new Room"-button on the top left. To add new Items in a room you select the "Add new Item"-button on the bottom of the room frame.